January 26th Kettlebell Workshop @ FVT – Five Great Reasons to Sign Up

The January Kettlebell Workshop @ FVT is less than two weeks away! I am very much looking forward to a day of hard training, meeting some great new kettlebell peeps, and doing my part to spread the “KB gospel” to the masses … It is interesting, and I am still learning about how these thingsContinue reading “January 26th Kettlebell Workshop @ FVT – Five Great Reasons to Sign Up”

January 2013 Challenge Workout

Brand new set of FVT Challenge Workouts for ‘ya in 2013! The concept behind our monthly Challenges: These workouts are high intensity, strength-endurance style sessions that are scored in some way (you’ll see what I mean in just a second when we walk through this month’s workout …) We repeat each Challenge several times throughoutContinue reading “January 2013 Challenge Workout”

How Zack Lost 38 Pounds in Three Months (FVT Case Study)

Here is a message I recently received from a FVT boot camp client. He has seen some AMAZING progress over the last few months, so I was delighted when he agreed to share his story! It is an awesome inspiration. Without further ado, Zack W: Forest, Thank you for including me in your case study.Continue reading “How Zack Lost 38 Pounds in Three Months (FVT Case Study)”

FREE Boot Camp Thursday, January 10th @ 7pm

Warning: The Weight You Gained Over The Holiday Season Could Be Here To Stay In surveys, people say they gain, on average, about five pounds over the holiday season. For people who are already overweight, it’s even worse – according to a recent study, they tend to gain a lot more. Studies also show thatContinue reading “FREE Boot Camp Thursday, January 10th @ 7pm”

2012 Holiday Boot Camp/Group PT Schedule

2012 FVT Holiday Boot Camp/Group PT Schedule (all class times remain as scheduled unless otherwise noted): Monday, December 24th (Christmas Eve): Special 9 am boot camp time only Tuesday, December 25th (Christmas Day): Closed – no boot camp classes will be held Wednesday, December 26th: 9:15 am and 6 pm boot camp classes only Friday,Continue reading “2012 Holiday Boot Camp/Group PT Schedule”

Kettlebell Workshop @ Forest Vance Training, Inc. Saturday, January 26th 2013

If you’re: Looking to learn the basics of safe and effective kettlebell training Already training with KB’s, but having problems mastering good technique Tired of your lower back/forearms/shoulders/etc. hurting after a KB training session Simply love kettlebells, want to discover new training tips and workouts, and spend an awesome day around like-minded kettlebell enthusiasts You’llContinue reading “Kettlebell Workshop @ Forest Vance Training, Inc. Saturday, January 26th 2013”