Growing up, Erik never thought he would get into shape. His defeatist attitude – combined with sheer laziness – led to him packing on the pounds over the years. With his 30th birthday approaching, he decided to make a change. He started training at the FVT studio about a year ago – and since, he’sContinue reading “Meet Erik :)”
Author Archives: Forest
Hey hey! It is Friday – time for an “update of happenings” at FVT … Three quick things for ‘ya: 1 – New boot camp time starting next week – Wednesdays at 5pm We are pulling the trigger and going with a 5pm boot camp every day, Monday thru Thursday. We now offer a 6amContinue reading “Updates!”
March 2013 Challenge Workout
Word on the street is, this month’s FVT Challenge Workout is the hardest EVER. Check it out – do it – and let me know what you think: March 2013 FVT Challenge Workout 100 two hand KB swings (24k for men, 16k for women) 50 push ups (toes for men, knees for women) 10 xContinue reading “March 2013 Challenge Workout”
Kettlebell/Body Weight Boot Camp Buddy Workout
I posted this workout up on my personal site – – a few days ago, and have gotten some great feedback from it. So, if you missed it – check it out. It makes for a great weekend workout! – Forest Kettlebell/Body Weight Boot Camp Buddy Workout by Forest Vance, MS, RKC II IContinue reading “Kettlebell/Body Weight Boot Camp Buddy Workout”
Rapid Fat Loss Grocery List (free)
So – as you probably know by now – today is the last day to sign up for the 2013 FVT 30 Day Rapid Fat Loss Challenge. If you’ve already signed up – way to go! I can’t wait to help you lose as much fat as humanly possible in the next 30 days. IfContinue reading “Rapid Fat Loss Grocery List (free)”
The 2013 FVT Rapid Fat Loss Challenge (top 7 reasons to sign up)
Registration for our 30 Day Rapid Fat Loss Challenge is now open, and I know that you might be on the fence about signing up. I thought that I would take a minute to address the top seven reasons why joining us on this challenge will be one of the best decisions you make thisContinue reading “The 2013 FVT Rapid Fat Loss Challenge (top 7 reasons to sign up)”
The FVT 30 Day Rapid Fat Loss Challenge (registration now open)
Eric Z, winner of the first FVT 30 Day Rapid Fat Loss Challenge IMAGINE you could lose as much weight as you wanted in the next 30 days. How many pounds of unsightly body fat would you shed? 5 pounds? 10? 15? The truth is, the winner of our first challenge lost 17 poundsContinue reading “The FVT 30 Day Rapid Fat Loss Challenge (registration now open)”
The FVT Damage Control Strategy
I am just arriving home from a fantastic six day get-away on the Big Island of Hawaii. I feel great, totally recharged. Of course, I got some workouts in while I was there … and shot a couple of quick videos for ‘ya, too. If you missed ’em, here they are: => HIIT Telephone PoleContinue reading “The FVT Damage Control Strategy”