I mentioned to you the other week that I got my body composition tested with a BOD POD device. Well, I managed to set up a follow up interview with Dr. Truong – owner of the weight loss clinic in Sacramento, CA where I had the test done. In this short video interview, you’ll learnContinue reading “BOD POD Interview with Dr. Truong of BeWeightless.com (video)”
Author Archives: Forest
April 2013 Challenge Workout
BOOM! It’s time again for the monthly FVT Challenge Workout. Here’s what we got for ‘ya: January 2013 Challenge Workout (workout recap) burpee body weight squat push up kettlebell swing Perform each exercise for 45 seconds continuously, completing as many reps as possible with perfect form. Rest for exactly 15 seconds. Repeat the process withContinue reading “April 2013 Challenge Workout”
How to Lose 15.4 Pounds in 30 Days (2013 FVT RFLC recap)
This last Saturday, we finished up and celebrated what turned out to be the most successful FVT Rapid Fat Loss Challenge EVER. Jimmy B, winner of the FVT Rapid Fat Loss Challenge and $300 in prize money – lost 15.4 pounds and 8.17% of his body weight in just 30 days!! A couple of prettyContinue reading “How to Lose 15.4 Pounds in 30 Days (2013 FVT RFLC recap)”
Charity Boot Camp Thursday, April 11th @ 7pm
On Thursday, April 11th @ 7pm, we’re coming together as a community to help the Sacramento branch of the Muscular Dystrophy Association – and we need your help! Click here to get all the details on the event, donate as much or as little as you like and reserve your spot now: = > SpringContinue reading “Charity Boot Camp Thursday, April 11th @ 7pm”
Extreme Methods for Super Fast Weight Loss (4 tips)
As the end of our Rapid Fat Loss Challenge approaches, you could be looking for some tips and tricks to shed those last few pounds of body fat. Or, you might have an event you’re getting ready for, where you need to be in peak shape for a short period of time. Whatever the caseContinue reading “Extreme Methods for Super Fast Weight Loss (4 tips)”
March FVT Pro Shop Special
Yo! We got a super special going for you this month in the FVT Pro Shop. When you make a purchase of $100 or more, you’ll get a free T Shirt! Grab a kettlebell or two, some resistance bands for your travel/at-home workouts, stock up on Perfect Foods Bars and/or Muscle Milk … Check outContinue reading “March FVT Pro Shop Special”
March 2013 Nutrition Challenge
Learn to eat clean and get lean, one habit at a time … with our monthly Nutrition Challenge!! This month’s challenge: Drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces of water each day. Notes: According to an article at freedrinkingwater.com, water makes up more than two thirds of the weight of the human body. WeContinue reading “March 2013 Nutrition Challenge”
March 2013 Challenge Workout Results
*See the March 2013 FVT Challenge Workout here – with video demo – in case you missed it CC 15:47 LC 16:00 RP 16:28 CA 17:05 SF 17:06 JB 17:28 MA 17:58 PK 18:23 LA 18:27 JJ 18:48 DS 18:48 BC 18:54 PA 19:11 PN 19:15 RK 19:19 SS 20:05 SG 20:14 BP 20:16 KAContinue reading “March 2013 Challenge Workout Results”