Whew! The June 2013 FVT Challenge workout is already underway … and BOY is it a smoker 😉 Check it out – do it – and let me know what you think: March 2013 FVT Challenge Workout 100 two hand KB swings (24k for men, 16k for women) 50 push ups (toes for men, kneesContinue reading “June 2013 Challenge Workout”
Author Archives: Forest
Beginner KB Fat Loss Plan
To kick off today’s post, instead of selling you on the idea of using kettlebells for fat loss, I’ll let one of my loyal and best kettlebell training clients do it instead 🙂 Click the ‘play’ button below to listen to Keith M.’s kettlebell testimonial: Keith M.’s kettlebell testimonial [audio:https://www.forestvancetraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Keith-Testimonial.mp3|titles=Keith Testimonial] Keith’s goals are, inContinue reading “Beginner KB Fat Loss Plan”
Simple Yoga Routine (free)
I like the IDEA of doing a simple yoga routine. It could most definitely compliment and improve one’s FVT-style, functional training, hybrid strength and conditioning workouts. There are just some aspects of it that I still have trouble wrapping my mind around. Here’s an excerpt from the article I’m about to share with you, thatContinue reading “Simple Yoga Routine (free)”
FVT Complete Body Transformation FAQ
Quick follow up on yesterday’s message – In it, I told you all about the new FVT Complete Body Transformation program. If you missed the details, click here to see ’em now: => FVT Complete Body Transformation Program The interest for this program has actually been considerably higher than I originally expected. I am realizingContinue reading “FVT Complete Body Transformation FAQ”
New Complete Body Transformation Program @ FVT (for very serious people ONLY)
Erik dropped 60 pounds and 16% body fat @ FVT Hope you had a great holiday weekend, got to enjoy some time with your family and friends, relax and have fun, and maybe even get in a workout or two! 😉 Today’s message is about a new program we’re rolling out this week @ FVT.Continue reading “New Complete Body Transformation Program @ FVT (for very serious people ONLY)”
Memorial Day Weekend Boot Camp/Group Training Schedule
Memorial Day Weekend Boot Camp/Group Training Schedule: Saturday, May 25th – regular schedule, both 8am and 9am boot camp classes will be held. Monday, May 27th (Memorial Day) – 8am and 9am boot camps ONLY – no early morning or evening classes on this day. Have a great weekend – The FVT Team
April/May 2013 Nutrition Challenge
For the last eight weeks or so, my wife has been eating completely vegan. I am totally supportive. I think it’s a really great thing for her. She has LOTS more energy, has dropped several % of body fat, and believe it or not is actually improving performance in her workouts. Now don’t get meContinue reading “April/May 2013 Nutrition Challenge”
The FVT Band Challenge is Back.
Time to test your overall strength, conditioning, and mental toughness. The FVT Band Challenge is back. See all the details by clicking the link below. And come in for a boot camp this week to take the challenge yourself: => FVT Band Challenge Also going on this week at FVT … Referral Recognition As youContinue reading “The FVT Band Challenge is Back.”