8 tips to perform the kettlebell squat – discover where you may be making mistakes with this basic kettlebell exercise for the entire body:
1 – Pick a kettlebell up off of the floor, cleaning it with both hands into starting position. When the kettlebell is picked up, a neural spine position will be maintained.
2 – Assume a shoulder width stance with the feet.
3 – Hips will decend back and down to start the movement.
4 – Hips will decend lower than the knees at the bottom.
5 – The lumbar curve is maintained, and the heels stay down on the ground.
6 – The knees stay in line with the toes.
7 – The top of the movement is completed with full knee and hip extension.
8 – The kettlebell will be placed on the ground in the same fashion that it was picked up.