FVT ULTIMATE Challenge Workout

We have something VERY cool we’re planning at FVT … and while all the details and specifics aren’t quite yet worked out, I wanted to share the idea and plans we have so far with you … so you can start getting yourself mentally and physically prepared for this one-of-a-kind event!

The unique, fun, VERY cool thing we’re planning is the FVT Ultimate Challenge Workout.

Here’s what we got so far:

The FVT Ultimate Challenge Workout is going to be an EPIC three to four hour workout event … think “extreme” mud run meets fitness competition meets FVT challenge workout

— It will take place in early January 2015 (exact date to be announced next week)

The event will be an “ultimate” test of your overall fitness – strength, endurance, and much more … everything from feats of strength like pull ups and pressing heavy KBs, to running a 5k, to everything in between.

Plus, it will be a lot of training all at once, as in all in one day … the goal being that anyone without injuries that would prevent them from completing it, COULD do it … but also TRAINING to prepare for it will make it a MUCH more positive and successful experience.

— No aspect of fitness will be neglected … you’ll need to be fit in EVERY way to excell at this challenge. If you’re strong, but out of “cardio” shape, you’ll be in trouble. Same goes if you’re a runner who does no strength training.

GOOD news is, you got two months to prepare 😉

We will train for it over the next two months – Nov and Dec – as part of the boot camp classes at FVT. We’ll work things in to the mix like pull ups and short runs and heavy lifting and MUCH more

— There will likely be a main event – where the focus is teamwork and FINISHING, not competing for a specific time … and a BONUS (shorter and optional participation) event the end, which will have a competition aspect for those that want to take it to the next level

Registration will open next week
Final details of how the whole thing will work will be coming soon … but just wanted to give you the early heads up so you can start thinking and planning ahead.

Watch out for an email with more details and a link to sign up early next week.

Thanks, and talk soon –

– Forest Vance
Owner, Head Trainer, FVT Boot Camp and Personal Training

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