Meet Sarai!

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Sarai started at the FVT studio at the beginning of this year wanting to learn more about kettlebells, get back on track with her fitness program, get stronger, and lose some body fat.

She had been very fit and active in the past, but for a variety of reasons, had let herself slip out of peak condition.

In the last ten months – in spite of a VERY busy schedule, and actually living and working on the other side of town, but finding a way to make it in two or three times per week, she has:

– Lost about 30 pounds
– Dropped over 11% body fat
– Added 9 pounds of muscle
– Gotten her first pull up(s)
– Has gotten WAY stronger and is putting up some crazy kettlebell strength #’s

Check out the email I got from her the other day below:


Hey Forest,

I got my bodyfat tested

(FYI – we do basic body fat testing at the studio, but DeeAnna likes to get it done on her own in a BodPod device for optimum accuracy)

I am at 173.2 lbs and 19.6% bodyfat. It’s been over 3 years since I’ve been in the teens! I also added 9lbs of muscle and that explains why the scale is not really moving that fast even though I can see a lot of change.

It’s good info. He told me to keep eating my 2400+ calories a day and keep my workout schedule cause it’s working!

Yay me!

My goal is still 14-15% so I have about 10 more pounds of fat to lose.

As you know I am totally capable of working out on my own and I still do, but having the accountability to show up somewhere at a set time and to be pushed has helped me get back on track this year and stay on track. Plus I learn some stuff too.

Thanks again for your help with my project!


CONGRATS to you Sarai!! Awesome, awesome job. We are so happy to be a part of your progress – and look forward to helping you reach your ultimate fitness goals very soon!!

– The FVT Team


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