June 15th Kettlebell Workshop @ FVT – Five Great Reasons to Sign Up

The June 15th Kettlebell Workshop @ FVT is about one week away! I am very much looking forward to a day of hard training, meeting some great new kettlebell peeps, and doing my part to spread the “KB gospel” to the masses …

If you have been considering signing up, but are still “on the fence”, I thought I’d do my best to convince you to join us :) Here are five great reasons you should sign up for the FVT Kettlebell Workshop on June 15th, 2013:

1. You’re looking to learn the basics of safe and effective kettlebell training

If you’ve never trained with kettlebells before, or have very limited experience, this workshop is without a doubt for you. And I can tell you first hand – books/DVD’s/etc. only go so far. Having in-person instruction and feedback is critical in helping you learn kettlebell training the right way.

2. You are already training with kettlebells, but are having problems mastering good technique

Maybe you’ve been training with kettlebells for a few months, or on and off for even years. Your workouts are going *okay*, but you feel like you just don’t quite have good technique mastered. Coming to this workshop will give you the training tips and techniques you need to take your training to the next level.

3. Your lower back/wrists/shoulders/etc. hurt after a training session – and you’re not sure why

We’ll be talking a lot at the workshop about common kettlebell training mistakes – and how to fix them.

For example, if you’re doing your swings properly, you should NOT be feeling them in your lower back. Unfortunately, this is a problem a lot of folks – especially when they are self-taught – experience.

I will show you how to fix this, and many more, kettlebell training mistakes at the June 15th FVT Kettlebell Workshop.

4. You’re a fitness pro yourself, and you want to learn some basics to use with your clients.

To be clear – this is NOT a certification of any kind. But it IS a great way to learn the basics of safe and effective kettlebell training, that you can take back and use with your own clients.

5. You want to take your kettlebell workouts to the next level and spend a day around like-minded KB enthusiasts

Hey – if you like training with KB’s, it’s fun to get together with others who do, too! We’ll train hard all day, and have a great time doing it ;)


Okay. If you’ve been thinking about attending my kettlebell workshop on the 15th, I hope this article has helped you make a final decision. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a message and I’ll do my best to help.

Look forward to seeing you there! Click the link below to sign up now:

=> June 15th Kettlebell Workshop @ FVT

Thanks –

Forest Vance
Master of Science, Human Movement
Level 2 Certified Russian Kettlebell Instructor

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